Aging Flipped - Defying the Norms and Celebrating Every Chapter of Life

Lorna's Exit Story

Episode Summary

When we are stuck in the cycle of drinking, over drinking shame and regret we think we are alone. No one else is experiencing what we are. This is simply not the case. Many more people than we are aware of struggle with their relationship with alcohol.

Episode Notes

In today's episode Lorna, a fellow This Naked Mind Sr. Certified Coach, and I share her story. Her ups and downs with attempting to exit the cycle as well as how she exited the cycle. 

Listen in to this story because it will help you. You'll learn you aren't alone. You'll discover possibility and hope. 

Lorna believes that each of us has a yearning to be fulfilled, a desire to feel safe and strong in the decisions we make, and a right to find a ‘clarity of purpose’ as we move through our lives. Through her own life experiences Lorna learned first-hand what alcohol can do to your body, mind and spirit.

For support exiting the cycle of drinking, over drink shame or regret reach out to either one of us.

Connect with Lorna here:

Connect with Debi here: